Japan L&D Association
Data Design
ブランドテンプレート(Branded Templates), パワーポイントデザイン(PowerPoint Design), 文章推敲(Document Editing), 図解デザイン(Infographics)
PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
26 slides
We refined and redesigned the participation report for EdTech World Forum 2021 by the L&D Association in PowerPoint.
Using the provided text-based manuscript, we created a smart and stylish design with our organization's corporate colors.
We added features such as a table of contents and section numbering to the report, making it easily accessible for viewing and downloading on LinkedIn.
This ensures convenient access to essential information.

We visualize the concepts with illustrations so that even those who are hearing about virtual currency and blockchain mechanisms for the first time can easily understand them.
Since there was a lot of information such as numerical data, we designed the data in various formats such as graphs and maps and incorporated it into the report.

We visualize the concepts with illustrations so that even those who are hearing about virtual currency and blockchain mechanisms for the first time can easily understand them.
Since there was a lot of information such as numerical data, we designed the data in various formats such as graphs and maps and incorporated it into the report.
We incorporated images used during the forum and mock-ups of relevant service pages into the presentation. Our aim was to create a document where the content is clearly understood, even for those who were not present, ensuring effective communication of information.
Given the complexity of topics such as blockchain, we opted for a simple color scheme.
We also carefully adjusted the slide structure to avoid overwhelming the audience with excessive information.