Beauty clinic (company name not disclosed)
Manuals & Corporate Reports
パワーポイントデザイン(PowerPoint Design), イラストディレクション(Illustration Direction), ブランドテンプレート(Branded Templates), 図解デザイン(Infographics)
PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator
14 slides
We were entrusted with creating a PowerPoint presentation for a beauty clinic, specifically focusing on the explanation of the double eyelid surgery for patients, with a majority being women. To cater to the female audience, we proposed an elegant and glamorous design.
For detailed explanations of the procedure and specialized explanations of specific areas, we collaborated with an illustrator to create original illustration materials.
The final presentation is designed to provide reassurance to patients undergoing the procedure, incorporating a generous amount of diagrams and illustrations depicting the process.

We designed the presentation with a gentle and elegant touch for female patients, combining a pink-to-light-blue gradient with golden floral illustrations for delicate embellishments.
To ensure a sense of security for patients undergoing the procedure, we meticulously organized the information on each slide, presenting one clear message per slide without unnecessary complexity.

We designed the presentation with a gentle and elegant touch for female patients, combining a pink-to-light-blue gradient with golden floral illustrations for delicate embellishments.
To ensure a sense of security for patients undergoing the procedure, we meticulously organized the information on each slide, presenting one clear message per slide without unnecessary complexity.
The design considers viewing on tablet devices, featuring slightly larger text and ample white space.
For certain specialized graphic elements related to the procedure details, we provided direction and collaborated with our affiliated illustrator to create custom graphic